User Research (UXR) is a process through which things about target groups of users or consumers are discovered.  Through UXR, ways in which different users interact with a product are observed, documented, and used to inform product design.  Unlike methodologies of more established types of market research that are used to quantify things like ‘feasibility’ of a new product within a market, UXR methodologies are […]

Tourism & COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed tourism, as we respond to new travel restrictions, conditions, and anxieties by modifying our habits and preferences.  Marketing Advisory Services looked at some of these changes among tourists from six European countries, at three key points during the course of the pandemic through a research exercise carried out between Q3 […]

Level of Comfort with Different Activities of the Maltese PopulationMarketing Advisory Services The Latest on Covid-19

Level of Comfort with Different Activities of the Maltese Population during the Pandemic; Follow our Facebook Page HERE to take part in our regular studies.

The Latest on Covid-19Marketing Advisory Services The Latest on Covid-19

The Novel Coronavirus has been a hot topic in the Maltese islands lately, as it has affected the lives of many of us. During the month of March, Marketing Advisory Services conducted a survey on the current situation we are facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The sample was made up of 400 respondents. The […]

All About ConstructionMarketing Advisory Services Construction Survey

During the month of March 2020, Marketing Advisory Services conducted a survey on the construction industry in Malta. The sample was made up of 363 respondents. The results are presented in the infographic below.   A large majority of respondents strongly believed that the construction industry in Malta should be restricted through new or revised […]

What Maltese Think About AbortionMarketing Advisory Services Abortion Survey Results

The discussion on abortion might have decreased with the Covid-19 epidemic, but the reality is that it is still one of the most controversial subjects on the island. From pro-abortion to pro-life movements, Marketing Advisory Services conducted a survey about some aspects that have to do with abortion, among 583 respondents in Malta during the month […]


Thought to have originated in Wuhan China, the Coronavirus has caused serious havoc across many countries, including Malta’s neighbouring friends, Italy. But, from sold-out face masks to setting up of screenings across borders; from some people stating that this is all an unnecessary fuss to some avoiding all that is Chinese, Marketing Advisory Services set […]


Chicken prosciutto jerky, shoulder beef ham kevin landjaeger doner tail short ribs pork swine cow meatloaf. Cow pig doner kielbasa spare ribs.

HUDSON HOLDINGSHudson Holdings Case Study

Chicken prosciutto jerky, shoulder beef ham kevin landjaeger doner tail short ribs pork swine cow meatloaf. Cow pig doner kielbasa spare ribs.